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前身为 1951年成立的华东师大教育系心理学教研室; 1979年成立心理学系,是新中国第 2个心理学系; 2008年成立澳门银银河官方网站。为国务院学位委员会批准的首批博士、硕士学位授权点单位,拥有一级学科博士点和硕士点,设有博士后流动站。拥有国家重点学科、国家理科基地、国家级一流专业建设点、国家级实验教学示范中心、教育部高等学校特色专业、2个国家级一流本科专业建设点、国家基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0基地、上海市一流学科,是上海市脑功能基因组学重点实验室、上海市心理健康与危机干预重点实验室、上海市人文社科(心理学)基地依托单位。拥有 2个国家级教学团队, 12门各类国家级精品课程。


学院的学科设置横向交叉,纵向贯通,在众多研究方向上取得世界瞩目的科学发现,成果发表在 Nat Neurosci、Nat Mach Intel、Nat Hum Behav、Nat Commun、Sci Adv、Neuron、PNAS、eLife、J Neurosci、 Cereb Cortex、 Child Dev和《心理学报》等高水平期刊上。



年均招收100名本科生,73名学术型硕士生,115名专业型硕士生(含非全日制)和30名博士研究生。 52%硕士生为免试直升, 62%硕士生和 75%博士生的本科(或硕士)毕业院校为双一流建设高校,生源质量良好。



五虎将(张耀翔、萧孝嵘、谢循初、胡寄南、左任侠)对建国后中国心理学的建立和发展发挥重要影响;出版了一批经典教材(实验心理学、教育心理学等);产出了一批国际顶尖水平的研究成果,被 Science网站和 Nature专题报道;服务国家战略和区域社会发展(军队特殊人才训练,长江经济带心理学科共建);承办的《心理科学》《大众心理学》具有广泛影响力。

Psychology at East China Normal University (ECNU) has a nearly 70-year history. Dating back to 1951, there were five distinguished professors among the initial team of faculty members (Jinan Hu,Xunchu Xie, Xiaorong Xiao, Yaoxiang Zhang, and Renxia Zuo), all of whom studied abroad in eitherEurope or the United States and were known and respected nationally. The arrival of these professors laid a strong foundation for the teaching and research of psychology at ECNU. In 2008, almost 60 years later, the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science was officially established, including two departments, two research institutes (Department of Psychology, Department of Applied Psychology, Institute of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). In 2013, the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics joined the school. ECNU psychology program has always been ranked in the top five in China in the past 20 years.

There are 60 full-time core faculty members in our school at the present, and 21 postdoctoralscholars as well. Nearly half of the faculty members have received various honors at either the national or municipal level - for instance, the distinguished professor award granted by the Ministry of Education of China, the award for the Excellent Young Scientist granted by the National Science Foundation of China, the award for Leading Talent from the Shanghai government, and the distinguished professoraward from the Shanghai government. In addition, our faculty members also hold positions in important academic institutions and academic journals, including a member of the Discipline Appraisal Group of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, vice president of Chinese Psychological Society, vice president of the Chinese Society of Social Psychology, chief editor of Journal of Psychological Science, chief editor of Popular Psychology, and associate editor of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and some hold adjunct faculty positions at universities out of China, including Yale University in the US and Alberta University in Canada.

We have a large student body including 457 undergraduates enrolled in our two majors (Basic Psychology, Applied Psychology), 403 Master's students, and 127 Ph.D. One of the missions of our school is to train students with "a solid theoretical foundation, a broad professional vision, a firm sense of mission, and strong willingness to learn," that are fundamental characteristics every psychologist and professional should have. Upon completion of their training in our school, the students will possess the potential ability to carry out high-level basic research and applied research in the fields of brain science, artificial intelligence, intelligent education and mental health promotion.

During the past two decades, our undergraduate education has received numerous grants and awards from the central government of China, such as the award for the National Key Discipline (basic Psychology), the award for the National First-class Undergraduate Program, the National Science Fund for Talent Training in Basic Science, and the grant for the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, and also those from the Shanghai government, including the award for the First-class Discipline in Shanghai. Many of our students received dozens of national and Shanghai municipal awards, including a silver medal in a national Chinese college student business competition (2020), first prize in a national college student competition in mental tutorial education (2019).

Currently, the school awards both master’s and doctoral degrees in Psychology and Applied Psychology, and enrolls an average of 65 master's students and 30 doctoral students each year. In the past five years, these students achieved fruitful results in scientific research, and published nearly 200 papers in international journals, such as Nature Communication, Nature Human Behaviour, PNAS, Current Biology, eLife, Journal of Neuroscience, and Cerebral Cortex.

There are four disciplines in our school, namely Cognitive Neuroscience, Basic Psychology, Developmental and Educational Psychology, and Applied Psychology. Collaborative research and education among the disciplines have enabled us to support our research themes that focus on "brain functions - behavioral mechanisms - translational applications," and to accomplish our research objectives:1) cultivating innovative talents with an international perspective engaged in psychological scientific research and social service; (2) producing excellent academic products through both domestic and international collaborations, with a focus on the frontier and realistic major issues in the field of psychology; and (3) bringing those findings in psychological science to bear on human functioning and fundamental human problems.

In recent years, our research has focused on the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying the integration of spatial perception, the neural mechanisms of social interactions between human brains, the psychological processes and neural mechanisms of learning and memory, the impact of social adaptation on psychological development of children, and the human-to-human relationships from a Chinese cultural perspective in the psychology of risk and behavioral decision. The results of these studies have been published in well-known journals in the field, such as Nature Human Behaviour, Science Advances, PNAS, eLife, Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Child Development, and Acta Psychologica Sinica.

Since its establishment, ECNU psychology has made significant contribution to the development of psychology in China. The five aforementioned well-known professors not only established psychology at ECNU nearly 70 years ago, but also had a profound influence on the development of psychology in China at that time and in subsequent years. Since the beginning of the new millennium, our school has played an increasingly vital role in Chinese psychology. Over the past 20 years, four presidents and several vice presidents of the Chinese Psychological Society have been elected from our faculty members or alumni. Textbooks on experimental psychology, educational psychology and developmental psychology published by our faculty have been widely used in students in various schools for many years. Two Chinese psychology journals sponsored by our school, Journal of Psychological Science and Popular Psychology, have also been influential both in the academic world and among the public. For years our school has been a major contributor to social development (for example, the coordinated development of psychology in the Yangtze River Delta and Yangtze River Economic Belt) in China, and has consistently delivered numerous impactful results in research, among which the research on "cognitiveprocesses underlyinginter-brainsynchrony" ranked the first in the world in 2019 (from Stanford University data).

Our alumni also keep close contact with our alma mater to encourage collaborative researchinternationally. Here are a few representative alumni:

Xinyin Chen is a professor at University of Pennsylvania. He is also the president of the InternationalSociety for the Study ofBehavioural Development(ISSBD), and a senior fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Psychological Science.

Hong-Bin Gu is an associate professor at the UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill. She was elected as a Chapel Hill town council member in 2017. She is the first Chinese-American council member in North Carolina.

Chang Yang, associate professor at Texas Christian University. He is also an associate editor of Journal of Child and Family Studies (AE).

The ECNU School of Psychology is equally focused on basic science and societal impact. Our professors and students forge strong ties with faculty in many other disciplines including education, sociology, economics, linguistics, mathematics, statistics, biology, medical sciences, computer science and artificial intelligence. We have created a leading think tank in China, as well as a leading institution of psychology in teaching and research, which is well recognized by international peers.
